В началоРусская канарейкаКанароводы

История выдающихся канароводов

Роберт Франклин Страуд. Про этого человека снят фильм, написаны книги. Сидя в тюрьме, он занимался орнитологией и ветеринарией. Держал птиц и описывал новые методы лечения собственными лекарствами.
Большую статью на англиском читайте здесь >>>>>

Ниже размещены фото малоизвестной породы, присланные Майком Симитьяном. Приславший правильное название, может получить не только всемирную известность, но и почетный приз.
Ждем Ваши предположения по адресу: kenarford@yandex.ru

Интересную статью про ватерслагеров прислал Майк Симитьян из Лос-Анжелеса
Читайте здесь >>>>>

Chickmark the new unique identification marker

Invisible to the naked eye which can only be seen under ultra violate light. Apply directly on to skin or feather with out affecting plumage. Will not stain newly erupting feather quills. The only non toxic, non solvent based, especially designed for temporary identification of livestock that will last upto 6weeks, without re-marking.
Every breeding season you find yourself having to foster chicks out to other nests for adoption. Identifying fostered chicks are vital for your parentage pedigrees. Use Chickmark for positive identification without any colour migration to other chicks in the nest. Safe to use on all birds and mammals. Will not diminish in direct sunlight. You can apply Chickmark to the all body parts. Upper body is the best for easy identification with in nest or box. Also upper beak or legs and feather down.

Полный текст смотрите здесь >>>>>

Гарцкие роллеры - первая из выведенных певчих пород канареек (всегда поют с закрытым клювом) >>>>>

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Птенцы ватерслагеров

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Русские канарейки в США

The Russian Canary Development of the Russian canary began about 300 years ago when canary breeders in Tyrol, Germany introduced their canary to Russia in the early 1700's.

Russians took an immediate liking to the song bird and eventually developed the...

Russian Canaries...or Russian Singers
Prior to being introduced to the "German Tyrol Canary", Russians kept native song birds in cages...

Wild birds like Siskin, Woodlarks, Buntings, Linnets, Tits, Warblers, and Goldfinches were kept and enjoyed for...

Their Beautiful Natural Song
Breeders immediately realized--and were overjoyed--that the canaries were mimicking the songs of the local wild birds.
The song of the Bunting was used more than any other to train the canaries to sing and the Russian canary became known as the...

"Bunting Tuner"
Wanting to tone down the brash LOUDNESS of the new Bunting Tuners, Russian breeders began to breed the Russian canary for softer singing...

Organs, flutes, pipes, and bells were added as training devices and the...

Russian Canary was born.
In the early 1900's canary song contests were organized and the areas of Pavlovo-on-Oka, Nizhniy Novgorod, and Petersburg became hot beds of breeding and showing for the Russian Singer Canary.

Russian canaries today are prized for their wonderful "natural sounding" songs developed over the past 300 years by mimicking the natural birds of Russia…

Russian canaries are not numerous yet in America but they are gaining in popularity.

(тексты про русскую канарейку взяты из статей Р. Скибневского в переводе Мисака Симитьяна)

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e-mail: kenarford@yandex.ru