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Русская канарейка
Глазной трихомоноз у канареек

To start, here a testimony, that of Michel DARRIGUES, famous stockbreeder of Canaries Color:
? “It was in 20 01, at the end of the season of breeding. I initially noticed on some subjects then on more and more of the birds the following disorders: initially an eye which runs without being inflated or while being inflated very little, then the eye inflates on all the lathe then that touches the two eyes. Then, I noticed a dry, caseous membrane in top of the throat. That generally ended in the death of the birds. All that in 8 to 15 days. Symptoms of variola would have been said. The birds preserved beautiful droppings on the other hand. I made analyze several times of the corpses. The results were very diverse: one found such or such bacterium of where multiple antibiotic treatments which in any event did not prevent mortality. I lost young canaries initially then adults. Thus most of my production of 2001 disappeared. ” Obviously with some of the friends who had seen what arrived at the birds of Michel we were desperate because one did not know what to make and did not find in any book of Canariculture nor on any Internet site the possible cause of this mortality. However, the solution was going to come us from Brazil and that by a mere chance. Indeed an evening of July I had on the telephone my friend Luis BERALDI the President of the C.O.M. southern hemisphere. I asked to him whether it had already intended to speak about this kind of disease. The answer of Luis BERALDI: “I never saw but I intended to say that there are cases in Italy. There is a drug and Luciano knows the name of the drug. ” As much to say that in less than one hour the business took another turning. I telephoned Michel who at once put himself in liaison with Luciano MANFREDINI. The name of the active product was given, the drug bought in the tread and the saved birds. The epidemic was stopped and even part of the birds at the first stages cured. And this disease never returned to Michel. Then about what is it? How that does it look after T? Does it still prevail?

The effectiveness of the treatment by dim?tridazole and ronadizole led us to suspect an attack of protozoa and more particularly the trichomonas. A protozoon is a microscopic unicellular animal (see photo). The trichomonas belongs to the group of whipped because it has long filaments which are used to him to move. A species of trichomonas attacks the pigeons more especially. The trichomonas is well-known pigeon fanciers. This parasite lives in general in the mouth and the top of the digestive tract thus producing deposits and crusts in the nozzle, the throat and the digestive tract. That can be mortal in particular by smothering of the pigeons. The young people are more sensitive than the adult pigeons. The contamination is made in particular by the droppings thus risk by seeds or water soiled by sick droppings of birds. But never one had quoted case having touched the Canaries. Moreover the trichomonas is difficult to detect on the corpses of birds bus ilne does not survive when the bird died. Therefore with the autopsy one found nothing on the birds Michel. The only means of locating it is to make a taking away on the alive bird with a cotton stem for example and to examine at once under the microscope. Now that we are interested more closely in this disease one sees that J. VIGUIE had already suspected there is more than 20 years that the trichomonas could attack diamonds mandarins and also parakeets. Today one learns thanks to Internet that this parasite attacks with other sparrows of nature in Europe and Canada; that it touches many raptors (which contaminate themselves by capturing pigeons reached). And even by reading foreign ornithophilous reviews or while going on forums and blogs Internet one discovers that breedings (large or small) of Canaries of all Europe are touched.?

The problems at Michel DARRIGUES take place in 2001. Since we discovered that an other stockbreeder of importance in France had lost many birds to the autumn 2000 but it had maintained the secrecy pretexting anything else. Although this stockbreeder then knew the name of the drug found in Italy it had not warned anybody at the time. It is a pity well. Always it is that as soon as somebody contacts us by announcing this kind of disorders this risk of trichomonas is always announced and give the name of the possible treatments. Some French amateurs thus had their saved breeding. The goal of this article is to inform everyone. All the Canaries are threatened; colors, postures, singers.. Speak goshawks about you will see yourself that there were cases. Italy, France, Belgium etc…. all the countries are touched. What one knows concerning the Canaries: - the disease starts with disorders with the eyes, - mortality is strong and in a few days or a few week, - they is contagious between soiled birds and by the material, water or seeds, - that is treated effectively with dim?tridazole or ronidazole, - a bird cures by the treatment is not contagious. What one suspects: - the person in charge one would be whipped for the group for Trichomonas, - birds not presenting disorders could carry the parasite and contaminate other subjects.

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